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Sociology for Nurses 3rd Ed.

Original price was: €24.95.Current price is: €20.00.

Quick Overview

Edited by Elaine Denny, Sarah Earle, and Alistair Hewison

Sociology for Nurses has become a leading textbook and an invaluable companion for students wishing to get to grips with how sociology can positively transform professional nursing practice. This thoroughly revised new edition maintains its commitment to providing jargon-free explanations of sociological theories and evidence to show how studying sociology can be useful in all branches of nursing. Readers will develop a clear understanding of what sociology is and why it is essential to practice, gain deeper awareness of social issues such as gender, ethnicity, class and the life course, and become more familiar with the social contexts of health policy and nursing as a profession. With updates in every chapter, the third edition includes a new chapter on research methods, a reorganized collection of chapters on health policy, extended coverage of long-term illness and disability, as well as contemporary case studies on topical healthcare issues such as dementia, the ‘obesity epidemic’ and recent attempts to integrate health and social care. In addition, the book provides clearly defined learning aims, a useful glossary of sociological concepts, structured activities and questions for discussion, and annotated suggestions for further reading. The editors and contributing authors to the book have a wealth of experience teaching sociology to nurses at diploma and degree pre-registration and post-registration levels. Their book will continue to spark interest and debate among all student nurses, particularly those approaching sociology for the first time.

ISBN LC9781509505418 Categories ,

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