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One-to-One Tutor


Quick Overview

One-to-One Tutor Beginner/Intermediate Level

By joining the beginner tutor course, students could be able to pass the HSK1/YCT1 (Level I). By the end of this course, students will understand and use very simple Chinese phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.
By joining the intermediate tutor course, students could be able to pass the HSK2-3/YCT 2-3 (Level 2/Level 3) and will have a solid foundation in future Chinese Studies.

Date/time: customer tailored
Duration: 10 hours/session

One-to-One Tutor Advanced Level

By joining the advanced tutor course, students could be able to pass YCT4 (Level IV) & HSK 4/5 (Level IV) and will have an excellent grasp of daily Chinese. Students can also communicate with native speakers in fluent Chinese, read Chinese books, write characters, as well as learn the history of China.

Date/time: customer tailored
Duration: 10 hours/session

One-to-One Tutor for HSK6

This course is aimed at helping students to fully prepare for the HSK6 test and be confident to join the HSK6 test.

Date/time: customer tailored
Duration: 10 hours/session

For any queries regarding the course, please email xhuang@ucc.ie


Please note the registration fee is non-refundable if you withdraw from the course after it starts.

Please also note that the Confucius Institute UCC will receive your contact details so as to email you with any necessary information regarding the course.

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