UCCShop.ie is closed from 20th December –10th January. Orders can still be placed during this time but will not be shipped until we return. Orders placed during this period will be shipped in the order they came in. Many thanks for your patience, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Using the wood from these trees to create something new, we stand true to our commitment to sustainability and our passion for looking for unique ways to find new life for all that we see around us. The wood from these trees has been dried for several weeks in a kiln and has then been carefully hand turned by Master Craftsman John Riordan in his Killumney studio, to create this beautiful ballpoint pen. From something old we have created something new, a gift that recognises your roots at UCC.
For UCC Department orders or PO requests please contact Visitor Services at visitorscentre@ucc.ie or JP Quinn at jp.quinn@ucc.ie or phone Extn.1876