UCC Shop

UCCShop.ie is closed from 20th December –10th January. Orders can still be placed during this time but will not be shipped until we return. Orders placed during this period will be shipped in the order they came in. Many thanks for your patience, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

School of History

Early Irish Myths and Sagas

The History and Topography of Ireland

Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises

The Roman Empire at Bay, AD 180-395

From Genocide to Continental War: The Congolese Conflict and the Crisis of Contemporary Africa

Reading Greek: Text and Vocabulary

Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa

Reading Latin: Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises

Reading Latin: Text and Vocabulary

The History of the Kings of Britain

Arthurian Romances

Outlaw Representation

A Short Guide to Writing about Art

Give Me Liberty! An American History

I Shall Bear Witness: The Diaries 1933–41

Modern Architecture Since 1900