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Northanger Abbey

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Modernism: An Anthology

The Fenian Cycle in Irish and Scots-Gaelic Literature

The Case of The Abbot of Drimnagh: A Medieval Irish Story of Sex-Change

The Mythological Cycle of Medieval Irish Literature

Leabhar na Longánach: The Ó Longáin family and their manuscripts

Paper and the paper manuscript: a context for the transmission of Gaelic literature

Especial DELE B2 Curso completo – libro + audio descargable (Spanish Edition)

Round Hall Nutshells Company Law 4th Ed.

Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence

Medical Law in Ireland

Practical Professional Cookery

Jane Eyre

Making Sense of Human Rights

Oxford Handbook of General Practice 5th Ed.